努力: make great efforts; try hard ...奋斗: struggle; fight; strive斗争: struggle; fight; combat斗争努力奋斗: struggle斗争;奋斗: struggle奋斗;斗争: struggle奋斗,努力: struggle努力奋斗: go at it; make arduous efforts奋斗的,努力的,苦斗的: strugglingadj举国万众一心的努力奋斗: the concerted efforts and hard work of the whole nation奋斗: struggle; fight; strive 奋斗目标 the objective of a struggle; 为一个崇高的理想而奋斗 strive after a lofty ideal; 那些年, 他只是为成名而奋斗。 in those years he just fought for fame. 为把中国建成社会主义强国而奋斗! strive to build china into a powerful socialist country斗争: 1.(矛盾的双方互相冲突, 一方力求战胜另一方) struggle; fight; combat 新与旧的斗争 conflict between the new and the old; 作不疲倦的斗争 wage a tireless struggle (against); 作坚决的斗争 fight resolutely against; 斗争情绪 fighting enthusiasm; 斗争重点 main targets of struggle; 斗争方式 form of struggle; 我们坚决支持亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲各国人民的解放斗争。 we firmly support the asian, african and latin american people in their struggle for liberation!2.(用说理, 揭发、控诉等方式打击敌对分子) accuse and denounce at a meeting 斗争反革命分子 publicly denounce [accuse] a counterrevolutionary3.(努力奋斗) strive for; fight for 为实现四化而斗争 strive for the four modernizations; 斗争性 fighting spirit; militancy努力: make great efforts; try hard; exert oneself 努力工作 work hard; 努力完成任务 exert oneself to accomplish one's assignment; 尽一番努力 make an effort; 尽最大努力 do one's utmost; do the best one can; 他企图解决这一问题的努力失败了。 his efforts at solving the problem failed. 我们应为实现科学技术现代化而努力。 we should exert ourselves in the struggle for the modernization of science and technology而奋斗: hellip奋斗, 争取: strive after; strive for奋斗报: effort l'; fern toh pau; l' effort奋斗的: arduous奋斗呐: fendona奋斗者: enfp; strivers刘奋斗: fendou liu为…奋斗: struggle for斗争报: agon; al kifah; al nidal; al nidhal; isinia; khabat; kifah al; la lutte; lucha; lutte la; nidal al; nidhal al; struggle斗争党: hezb-epeikar; paykar group; struggle group斗争性: bellicism; fighting spirit/militancy/belligerence; militancy斗争者: contender; fighter